



本教程是关于pixelan 3d six pack转场过度插件使用技术训练视频教程.时长:4小时.大小:2.7 gb.格式:mp4高清视频格式.教程使用软件:.vegas pro等.共8个章节.作者:skilltech academy india.语言:英语。3d six-pack 是一种经济实惠.易于使用的插件.增加了250个了不起的3d转场到adobe premiere pro中(任何版本.包括的cc)的adobe premiere elements.索尼vegas pro(任何版本.32位或64位)和索尼公司的vegas movie studio。它提供更美观.更逼真/自然替换现有的3d转场加上长期用户要求的新的补充。3d six-pack包括:pagefx60个美丽的翻页.页面皮.卷/曲折.婚礼录像.家庭录像等。逼真的反光和深度.顺利加速运动.变化和微妙的透明度相结合.提供卓越的高端输出。particles51种粒子转变 – 一种基于亮度的粒子滴了不起的品种(行业独家的涉及到您图片亮/暗的区域).喷泉样颗粒注入.和现实的粒子漩涡和小径。必须看到才能相信!depthfx™41独特的三维扭曲.三维扭曲/旋转.拉伸.秋千等。微妙的加速度和透明度的变化提供了比任何类似的3d系统中的过渡更自然的外观。burstfx30令人兴奋的.现实的粒子转变成片爆破.爆炸现场发现您的下一个剪辑。令人惊讶的特点与实际颗粒运动的加速度和褪色向外。energyfx30’自然’的过渡.使用风力.重力.或其他有机级数透露下一个场景。这些都是特别方便当你渴望一个醒目的过渡.看起来’真正’的和充满活力。extrafx40个新增的转换被太爽离开了 – 页面打开转换对粒子运动的基础上.额外的粒子喷泉.随机线过渡.而且非常凉爽加速幻灯片/挤!learn to use pixelan 3d six pack plugin suite for creating professional 3d transitions between two video layers.what you’ll learnlearn how to use pixelan 3d six pack inside vegas pro. in this course we have covered the entire suite of pixelan 3d six pack plugins so that filmmaking students can understand how to do transitions with 3d six pack plugins and manually tweak themmaster page fx. depth fx. energy fx. particles fx. burst fx and extra fxrequirementsknowledge of basic video editing with vega proa pc with pixelan software for practically learning itdescription3d six pack is a plugin-suite from the company pixelan. and vegas pro is a nonlinear editing platform from sony creative software. the pixelan 3d six pack has over 300 types of 3d transition effects divided into 6 major categories which help in producing professional level transitions and video effects. the 300+ transitions are divided and are available under various category heads like page fx; depth fx; energy fx; particles fx; burst fx and extra fx. this course is for students and film making professionals who want to use pixelan 3d six pack for doing 3d transitions in the post production process of nonlinear video editing. pixelan 3d six pack is cross edit platform compatible. and in this course you will learn how to use pixelan 3d six pack inside vegas pro. in this course we have covered the entire suite of pixelan 3d six pack plugins so that filmmaking students can understand how to do transitions with 3d six pack plugins and manually tweak them. the following pixelan 3d six pack processes have been covered in this course: introduction and basics of pixelan 3d six pack . page fx. depth fx. energy fx. particles fx. burst fx and extra fxwho is the target audience?film making studentsfilm editing professionalsanyone who wants to learn how to do video transitions using pixelan 3d six pack





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