Natsuki Sumeragi Style| 皇名月风格
皇 名月(すめらぎ なつき)is a Japanese female illustrator and cartoonist who was born in 1967. The ancient world described by Emperor Mingyue is simple and elegant and romantic. The characters are even more beautiful and elegant, free from the troubles of the world. Huang Mingyue's cartoons are not only beautiful, but also profound and thoughtful.
Representative works
画风简介:皇名月(すめらぎ なつき)是一位日本的女性插画家和漫画家,出生于1967年,在皇名月笔下的古代世界古朴优雅,浪漫有度,人物更是美丽飘逸,不沾尘世烦扰,皇名月的漫画不仅画面优美,内容更是有深度,有思想,在漫画和科技日益结合紧密的今天,仍有她乐于妙笔生花,不急功近利画好自己的作品实属难得,代表作《花情曲》、《梁山伯与祝英台》、《燕京伶人抄》、《始皇帝暗杀》