Genshin Impact All In One | Character Lora 43336版本v1.0 (ID: 116970)

Genshin Impact All In One | Character Lora 43336版本v1.0 (ID: 116970)

Lora trained on 43336 images of all Genshin Impact Characters.

This does not include Male characters, Paimon, Kirara, or NPCs and will not ever.

This took me over 17 hours to make since I only have a 3070ti 8gb.

I release all my models for free, if you feel like supporting me and my work you can support me here and buy me a drink.

Please note that some characters may not come out perfectly due to not individually being able to select the epochs since this is a combined training and not a merge.

This is dim32 so it is only ~40mb instead of having to download all 42 of the loras separately so I hope some people can appreciate it.

Default Outfit Prompts:

kukishinobudef, luminedef, doridef, fischldef, keqingdef, lisadef, raidenshogundef, yaemikodef, kujousaradef, beidoudef, dionadef, ganyudef, kamisatoayakadef, shenhedef, euladef, rosariadef, qiqidef, layladef, niloudef, kokomidef, yelandef, monadef, barbaradef, candacedef, colleidef, yaoyaodef, nahidadef, faruzandef, jeanfavonian, sucrosedef, sayudef, xianglingdef, dehyadef, yoimiyadef, kleedef, hutaodef, xinyandef, amber5star, yanfeidef, noelledef, yunjindef, ningguangdef

Alternative Outfit Prompts:

fischlein, keqingopulent, lisasobriquet, kamisatoayakaspring, rosariafreespirit, monastarpact, barbarasum, jeanseabreeze, jeangunnhildr, amberpizza, noellekfc, ningguangorc,

Random Prompts:

luminernd, dorirnd, fischlrnd, keqingrnd, lisarnd, raidenshogunrnd, yaemikornd, kujousararnd, beidournd, kukishinoburnd, dionarnd, ganyurnd, kamisatoayakarnd, shenhernd, eularnd, rosariarnd, qiqirnd, laylarnd, nilournd, kokomirnd, yelanrnd, monarnd, barbararnd, candacernd, colleirnd, yaoyaornd, nahidarnd, faruzanrnd, jeanrnd, sucrosernd, sayurnd, xianglingrnd, dehyarnd, yoimiyarnd, kleernd, hutaornd, xinyanrnd, amberrnd, yanfeirnd, noellernd, yunjinrnd, ningguangrnd,

Trained on NAI, gen'd on AOM2 hard


训练词语: kukishinobudef,luminedef,doridef,fischldef,keqingdef,lisadef,raidenshogundef,yaemikodef,kujousaradef,beidoudef,dionadef,ganyudef,kamisatoayakadef,shenhedef,euladef,rosariadef,qiqidef,layladef,niloudef,kokomidef,yelandef,monadef,barbaradef,candacedef,colleidef,yaoyaodef,nahidadef,faruzandef,jeanfavonian,sucrosedef,sayudef,xianglingdef,dehyadef,yoimiyadef,kleedef,hutaodef,xinyandef,amber5star,yanfeidef,noelledef,yunjindef,ningguangdef

名称: genshinfull1-000006.safetensors

大小 (KB): 40361

类型: Model

Pickle 扫描结果: Success

Pickle 扫描信息: No Pickle imports

病毒扫描结果: Success

Genshin Impact All In One | Character Lora 43336

Genshin Impact All In One | Character Lora 43336

Genshin Impact All In One | Character Lora 43336

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