





ooceph设计原理与实现ceph principle and implementation谢型果任焕文严军罗润兵韦巧苗骆科学?著图书在版编目(cip)数据ceph设计原理与实现/谢型果等著.一北京:机械工业出版社.2017.8(中兴通讯技术丛书isbn978-7-111-57842-0l.c1.谢…ii.分布式文件系统iv.tp316中guo版本图书馆cip数据核字(2017)第206048号ceph设计原理与实现出版发行:机械工业出版社1北泉市西城区百万庄大22号眼吗:1000责任编辑:何欣阳责任校对:李秋荣版次:2017年9月第1版第1次印刷开本:186mmx240mm印张:19.定价:69.00元凡购本书.如有缺脱页.由本社发行印调换客服热线1(01037964968995259读者信箱:[email protected]版权所有·侵权必究封底无防标均为密版本书法律问:北京大成律师事务所韩光/邹晓东fwow推荐序ceph began more than ten years ago as an effort to build a better distributed file systemfor large supercomputers. in the course of designing for scalability and failure. we endedup creating something that was perfectly timed and well-suited for the explosion of cloudcomputing infrastructure deployments a few years later. ceph was open source. scalable.avoiding single points of failure. and provided a block interface that was already wellintegrated with kvm. the preferred open source hypervisor. the rest is historytoday. ceph provides several storage interfaces: the rbd block interface. used widelyfor backing virtual machines; the rgw object interface. which provides an $3-compatibleobject storage interface; and cephfs. the scalable posix distributed file system weoriginally set out to build. it is scalable. fast. runs on commodity storage components. andmost importantly. it is 100?ree and open source software. ceph is deployed by a majorityof openstack clouds and is used in a broad range of other domains. from genomics researclto high energy physics to video streaming. as the worlds demands for data storage continueto expand we expect to see many more.our goal then and now is to ensure that the most compelling storage system availableis a free one. until recently. the market for systems that would store data at scale wasdominated by expensive storage appliance vendors with few (if any)open solutions. thisdrove up costs. driving many cash-strapped users (like research and academic institutions)out of the market. but more importantly it meant that the engineering and developmentof storage systems was done in secret. in parallel. by many different organizations. freesoftware allows organizations to effectively pool their engineering resources. takingadvantage of their competitors ‘investments as well as the community of users and casualcontributors to improve the quality of the systemi am delighted that ceph has seen great interest and success in china. and excited to sees book published to help make open source storage more accessible to everyone. it hasbeen a challenge to collaborate effectively with users and developers in china due to timzones and language differences. but i hope that this book (and others)will help bridge thesage weilfoew推荐序二张万春中兴通讯股份有限公司副总栽阅读了谢型果、任焕文、严军、罗润兵、韦巧苗、骆科学6位同事创作的《 ceph设计原理与实现》.感到非常高兴.并由衷祝贺创作团队的杰出贡献!就这本书.我想谈点看法一、中兴通讯重视技术的发展云计算、大数据、人工智能三位一体.它们重新定义了.重新定义了资产.重新定义了工具和效率.这些技术力量越来越快地驱动和改变了整个产业.成为支撑行业变革、选择技术伙伴、拓展创新业务和提供高效服务的技术平台。中兴通讯作为全球通信领域的重要厂商.非常重视技术的发展。在云计算领域.多年来致力于利用先进技术.研发更高速度、更大容量、更高.安.全.、更具弹性、更低成本的云计算基础设施。其中ceph就是开源分布式云储存领域中最具活力、最先进的基础技术社区之ー.本书记录了我们在这个领域最新的探索实中兴通讯重视社区的力量中兴通讯非常认同和重视社区的力量.致力于建立开放合作的生态环境。我们参加了全球多个开源的社区项目.成为其中最关键的伙伴.包括我们和 openstack、ceph社区的合作。中兴通讯在ccph领域技术能力的发展.离不开与社区的合作。中兴通讯的ceph团队是一个优秀的自组织、自管理、自激励的开放合作的敏捷组织.他们内通外联与社区合作.共同推动ceph技术的发展演进





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