





小米商业产品部研发总监.负责广告架构和数据分析平台.擅长数据挖掘.大数据分析和广告搜索架构。之前.在微软工作10年.任微软公司高级开发经理负责 contextual ads产品研发.开发bing index serve的核心模块。持有多项关于互联网广告及搜索的美guo专利。创办“互联居”公众号.致力于互联网告技术的繁荣。毕业于北京大学计算机系.获硕士学历刘麒赟现任 testin?云测公司技术总监.全面负责领导团队完成数据分析产品的研发。作为资深数据技术专家.曾为多个著名开源项目( hadoop/ scoop/ oozie/druid)贡献源代码.在互联网大数据分析、机器学习和统计学应用等方面拥有丰富的实战经验和相关专利。在企业级产品研发和客户支持方面也有着丰富的经验并曾为中guo多地(包括香港和台湾地区)的龙头企业成功进行实地支持.为美guo与新加坡等地客户进行.远.程.支持。之前.曾任 oneapm公司大数据架构师.以及在bm公司工作七年并任bm全球大数据平台产品 biginsights的 advisory softwareengineer

druid实时大数据分析原理与实践欧阳辰刘麒赟张海雷高振源许哲著電子工業出版社publishing house of electronics industr北京 beljing

内容简介druid作为一款开源的实时大数据分析软件.最近几年快速风靡全球互联网公司.特别是对于海量数据和实时性要求高的场景.包括广告数据分析、用户行为分析、数据统计分析维监控分析等.在腾 讯、_阿.里_、优酷、小米等公司都有大量成功应用的案例。本书的目的就是帮助技术人员更好地深入理解 druid技术、大数据分析技术选型、 druid的安装和使用高级特性的使用.也包括一些源代码的解析.以及一些常见问题的快速回答drud的生态系统正在不断扩大和成熟. druid也正在解决越来越多的业务场景。希望本书能帮助技术人员做出更好的技术选型.深度了解duid的功能和原理.更好地解决大数据分析问题。本书适合大数据分析的从业人员、it人员、互联网从业者阅读。未经许可.不得以任何方式复制或抄袭本书之部分或全部内容版权所有.侵权必究图书在版编目(cip)数druid实时大数据分析原理与实践/欧阳辰等著.一北京:电子工业出版社.20173isbn978-7-121-30623-51.①d…ⅱ.①欧…ⅲ.①数据处理ⅳv①tp274中guo版本图书馆cip数据核字(2016)第304239号策划编辑:符隆美责任编辑:葛娜印刷:三河市良远印务有限公司装订:三河市良远印务有限公司出版发行:电子工业出版社北京市海淀区万寿路173信箱邮编:100036开本:787×98016印张:22字数:478千字版次:2017年3月第1版印次:2017年3月第1次印刷凡所购买电子工业出版社图书有缺损问题.请向购买书店调换。若书店售缺.请与本社发行部联系.联系及邮购电话010)88254888.8825888质量投诉请发邮件至[email protected].盗版侵权举报请发邮件至[email protected]本书咨询联系方式010)[email protected]

forewordlike many popular open source projects. druid was initially created to solve a problem. we weretrying to build an interactive analytics ui at a small advertising technology startup in san francisco.and struggled to find a technology that could rapidly aggregate. slice and dice. and drill down intomassive data sets. eric tschetter started the first lines of druid to tackle this challenge. and that workhas somehow led to an international community forming around the project.i joined eric on druid soon after the project started. and for a while. the druid world consistedof only 2 engineers. the first version of druid was extremely minimalistic; there was a single processtype. the\compute\”node. and a handful of queries. but the core that was there was just enough toolve the problems with scale and performance we had at that timeour druid cluster in the early yeaaggressively develop features and fix bugs. there were a lot of late nights in those days. i can stillclearly re.c.a.l.l. waking up in the middle of the night to fix an outage. and occasionally cursing loudlybecause the only reason the pager went off was because it was out of batteries.as druid matured. and as data volumes grew. we continued to face challenges around perfomance at scale and operational stability. running in the then notoriously finicky amazon web services cloud environment wasn’t always easy. and led us to make the decision to break up\”computenodes into different components so that individual components could be fine tuned at scale. and anyone component could fail without impacting the functionality of the other components. i am gladwe made those decisions because it led us to sleep much more at nightit has been extremely rewarding to watch the grassroots growth of the open source communityunlike other popular open source projects. druid was not developed at a major technology companyor famous research lab. we open sourced the project without much attention. and the first open sourceversion of the project almost didn’t have querying capabilities. we weren’t allowed to open source

forewordmany pieces of the codebase. including most of the queries we developed. the night before officiallyannounced the project. eric was up writing group by queries in a hotel room just so people couldhave a way of getting data out of druid. after we released druid. the code repository was completelyundocumented and barely functional. i don’ t think a single organization tried to use druid when itras first open sourcedi’ve long lost count of how many companies actually run druid in production today. but i amglad people have found value from our work. i was very excited to learn that qiyun liu was writing abook on druid. i hope through his book. you will learn much more about our project. and learn howleverage it to bring value to your organization.co-founder. druidco-founder and ceo. implysan francisco. california016.11.20





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