All The Prompt You Need版本v1.0 Lite (ID: 1306697)

All The Prompt You Need版本v1.0 Lite (ID: 1306697)

All The Prompt You Need

The first step is to decide the input needed. You can change the input from only taking into account the User Box input (1), combine that with two sets of Wildcards (2), or use the Upload Image /URL node (3). You do this by switching the input in the light blue node.

From there the pre-processor will generate a detailed prompt, which will then be split into separate T5XXL and Clip-L prompts. That is then combined and sent to a use-everywhere positive condition node that will send it to your workflow.

I've been learning ComfyUI for the past few weeks and I got my ideas from a few other workflows that I am afraid I can't recall enough to credit. I apologize to those that may recognize some of their work, and I thank you in helping me learn. I would like to thank all the creators that made these wonderful nodes that have made my life much easier!

Enjoy, and use as you please.


Made smaller and faster. Removed the center (pre-processing) section. Also removed one of the wildcard boxes, and trimmed everything down to make it more compact.

Not as accurate as the full workflow, but does work about 30-40% faster. Also takes up less space.



大小 (KB): 7

类型: Archive

Pickle 扫描结果: Success

Pickle 扫描信息: No Pickle imports

病毒扫描结果: Success

All The Prompt You Need

All The Prompt You Need

All The Prompt You Need

All The Prompt You Need

All The Prompt You Need

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