V2.01 - Janky Lightning TURBO Text 2.01 Video Hunyuan - cuts rendering time significantly (redownload. 2 had default broken issues)版本V2.01 - Fixed Tea/speed (ID: 1304912)

V2.01 - Janky Lightning TURBO Text 2.01 Video Hunyuan - cuts rendering time significantly (redownload. 2 had default broken issues)版本V2.01 - Fixed Tea/speed (ID: 1304912)

Your milage may vary: for some, 33% increase, others have said no real significant change. There are other methods now coming into play that are helping tweak things, (wavespeed) which I personally use in my own workflow, but I know Triton isn't easy to install for most not using WSL (seriously folks, use WSL...its a bit of a pain but if you're gonna be using AI, get on it. that with sage attention is gonna up your game. its worth spending the night sorting it out..just make sure your models are loading in the default linux directory and not in the windows environment)

Anyhow, give it a shot. run it 3 times, compare your times with this workflow and if it speeds things up, we did a bit of a workaround. If it doesn't really do much different, then meh, it was free. I recommend just a sample size of 50 frames. do 3 runs on your regular workflow, note the time and steps and all that, then run 3 on this and compare a 1 for 1.

Janky Lightning Workflow
This workflow was a happy accident. While experimenting with ways to improve my other project (Janky Image 2 Video V4), I stumbled onto something that significantly boosted render speeds without sacrificing quality. It might be a new trick, or maybe I just missed the memo—but hey, it works for me, and I wanted to share it in case it helps you too.

What Makes This Different?

By leaning into low-resolution interpolation during decoding before going into hunyuan and pairing it with a simple step process, I managed to shave off a surprising amount of time. Render speeds? Fast. Setup? Easy. Results? Pretty solid for what it is.

A Few Notes:

  • This isn’t a polished masterpiece—just an experiment I threw together. test and help tweak with me.

  • Use it, tweak it, break it, and share your findings. Let’s figure out together if this is the real deal or just some janky magic.

  • If something feels off, drop a comment so it can be refined.

This is free to use and adapt for your own workflows. It’s not about claiming some revolutionary breakthrough—it’s about learning, testing, and sharing discoveries. If it works for you, post your times. If it doesn’t, let’s talk about why.

Thanks for checking this out. Now go make something awesome!


Added in Hunyuan refiner option. Denoodled, and simplified.


名称: v201JankyLightningTURBOText201Video_v201FixedTeaSpeed.zip

大小 (KB): 14

类型: Archive

Pickle 扫描结果: Success

Pickle 扫描信息: No Pickle imports

病毒扫描结果: Success

V2.01 - Janky Lightning TURBO Text 2.01 Video Hunyuan - cuts rendering time significantly (redownload. 2 had default broken issues)

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