DanbooruTags Roll For SDXL | 2024版本DTR2023 (ID: 1087379)

DanbooruTags Roll For SDXL | 2024版本DTR2023 (ID: 1087379)

This is a set of wildcards for danbooru tags.

Artist:Prompts for random artist styles, covering approximately 0.6M different artists.Please select the appropriate version of the collection, ranging from 128 to 5000, based on the model's capabilities.The full version is not recommended for use as it includes too many artists with only one image on danbooru or other websites. Almost no model can generate a style that corresponds to these artists .

Characters:"Characters" is a set of wildcards for randomly selecting anime characters, containing 0.5 million different characters. Approximately 30k of these anime characters have complete feature tags.

DTR:Approximately 7 million completely different tag combinations, divided into male and female characters. Additionally, a Safe For Work (SFW) version is included, but this version cannot guarantee that no Not Safe For Work (NSFW) images will appear. If necessary, you will need to enable 'Black Out NSFW' to mitigate potential risks.

Warning:Please do not open TXT files with the DTR or DTO prefix in Windows Notepad or VSCode. If you accidentally open these files, your computer may stuck because these TXT files are too large.

When an anime model claims to be able to reproduce 10,000 characters, it is advisable to use the 'characters_str_tags_danbooru15000.txt' file to verify whether the model's creator is making false claims or not.

How to use

If you are using the webui, please first install the sd-dynamic-prompts plugin, and then extract the files and place them in the following folder.

adieyal/sd-dynamic-prompts: A custom script for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui to implement a tiny template language for random prompt generation


If you are using the Fooocus, please extract the files and place them in the following folder.


For ComfyUI, you need to place the files in the corresponding folder.

Warning again: Please do not directly open the TXT file!!! Do not click this when using wildcards, or your browser will crash.

You can use it in conjunction with TIPO for better results, here is the link:

KohakuBlueleaf/z-tipo-extension: A sd-webui extension for utilizing DanTagGen to "upsample prompts".

The original source of these things:


DeepGHS:deepghs (DeepGHS) (huggingface)

NoobXL:Laxhar/noobai-XL-1.0 · Hugging Face



名称: danboorutagsRollForSDXL_dtr2023.zip

大小 (KB): 742957

类型: Archive

Pickle 扫描结果: Success

Pickle 扫描信息: No Pickle imports

病毒扫描结果: Success

DanbooruTags Roll For SDXL | 2024

DanbooruTags Roll For SDXL | 2024

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